This page contains developing information on how I'm protecting this site, both in terms of backing up its data (including user-created content) and planning for the long-term.
Backup and Data Protection
This site has an automated daily backup that includes all user annotations and comments, as well as weekly server backups. In addition, the site is regularly replicated on a development and local server.
Contingency plans
If the site ever needs to be shut down, go offline indefinitely, or be transferred to substantially different ownership, I'll contact all users through the email address given on your user profile page with directions for downloading your content. Users will be given at least one month's notice to export their content.
Should such a situation ever occur, I'd prioritize keeping the site up but in static form (i.e. you can't change or add to the annotations and comments anymore) so that it's still available as a resource; users could then opt to use the Annotator.js browser plugin to continue the annotation of the text using an AnnotateIt account. If that ever becomes the case, I'll post instructions to the front page of this site on how to continue using the site.
Protect and reuse your own work
By the time the 1.0 site goes live (currently set for Bloomsday 2015), users should be able to export their content with the push of a button.